About Us
Troop 7 is a scout-run troop with monthly scouting activities scheduled throughout the year. Currently, there are over 25 active Scouts in Troop 7, in three different patrols, supported by experienced Scout-elected boy leaders and trained adult volunteers. Most Scout members are from the Greater Alton and Godfrey area. Troop 7 scouts have voted to attend a week-long summer camp each year at locations across the Midwest and have scheduled a high adventure trip to Philmont Scout Reservation. The Scouts from Troop 7 are active in our community through service hours, volunteering and eagle scout projects. Each new Scout has the opportunity to advance in Scouting through monthly Troop activities.
Youth Leadership
Sr. Patrol Leader - Luke Brown
Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader - Ben Schultz
Patrol Leader - Nick Elfrink - Screaming Eagles
Patrol Leader - Marcus Hoffmann - Dumpster Fire
Patrol Leader - Mark Holland - Spartan Donkeys
Quartermaster - Noah Rose
Scribe - Hoffmann, Oliver
Historian - Elijah Shewmaker
Librarian - William Battles
OA Representative - Elijah Shewmaker
Bugler - Peter Malenic
Assistant Patrol Leader - Michael Marko - Screaming Eagles
Assistant Patrol Leader - Rowan Jones - Dumpster Fire
Assistant Patrol Leader - Chris Rayfield - Spartan Donkeys